This morning I worked on my final major project for small format, for which I chose to photograph the Davie County Sheriff's Office. Both of my parents are lawyers, and I have grown up around the courthouse and everyone involved in the system. In light of recent events, I wanted to portray law enforcement officers in a way that is true to who they are. They are people just like the rest of us, and I have a great deal of respect for their commitment to protecting innocent lives everywhere. I know that modern news media focuses on a bandwagon approach to reporting, and I know that tragic and hateful acts are committed regardless of the circumstances. However I also know that targeting an entire group of people to place blame is only going to make things worse.
I know it isn't much, but if I can make just one person change his or her mind about the humanity of law enforcement, maybe I can still make a difference.
The mission of the Davie County Sheriff's Office is to ensure a safe, caring environment for its citizens and visitors to live, work, play and raise a family; to reduce crime and to effectively manage any natural or manmade disaster.
Our mission will be accomplished with an unsurpassed level of vigilance and concern by utilizing all of the resources made available to us by cooperating with all levels of government and the citizens of this great County. We will provide quality Law Enforcement services based upon the highest ethical, professional and legal standards.
Mission Statement of the Davie County Sheriff's Office